Organic Farming

All plants are scientifically classified into main 7 levels. These levels are the Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. A genus comprise of many species and the botanical name consists of Genus followed by Species .

The types of vermicomposting mainly depend upon the amount of production and composting structures. Small-scale vermicomposting is done in the backyard to meet the personal requirement and farmers can harvest 5 to 10 tonnes of vermicompost annually. And Large-scale vermicomposting is done at a commercial scale by recycling a large quantity of organic waste with the production of about 50 to 100 tonnes annually. A unit must have beds of equal size with the central path of 3′, harvesting floor and vermiwash pit. House plants will greatly advantage with vermicompost. When planting or transplanting, simply mix up to 30% vermicompost with potting soil and plant as usual.

Using cassava roots and leaves will also help you see changes in the quality of your hair. Cassava can also hydrate your skin tone and make it smooth and soft. You will have to prepare a mask for this one at home. Take cassava plant roots with some honey or olive oil. Cassava is a tropical root vegetable that can be used along with potatoes, carrots, radishes and other tubers.

Therefore, it is risky for children and pregnant women. It may reduce blood sugar levels and interfere with blood sugar control. Therefore, if you have diabetes and use it, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels. Furthermore, you should adjust the dose for diabetes medications accordingly.

Cleaning and cooking flush out all the toxins from cassava and makes it completely eatable. Some experts believe that cassava flour is essential for a balanced nervous system. Not only does it fight stress and anxiety, but also provides support to your overall health. Cassava contains fibers, which are not soluble in water.

A cold extract prepared from the flowers or bark of mahua tree, when given in a dose of ml, helps to treat burning micturition and burning sensation in the body. Stomach ulcers or gastric ulcers are a type of open sore that occur in the inner lining of the stomach or intestines. They are caused as a result of disruption of the mucous lining of the stomach due to overproduction of gastric juices. It is said that this mucus lining helps to protect the stomach from the digestive juices present inside it. Possessing significant anti-ulcer properties, mahua is reported to be very effective in providing relief from the distressing symptoms of peptic ulcers. It inhibits the 赤ミミズ乾燥粉末 secretion of histamine, a compound which controls acid production in stomach hence reducing the irritation caused by it and allowing the ulcer to heal.

In case of heavy cough, mixing red chilli powder with almonds and sugar and consuming it by making a tablet of 125 mg, is beneficial. In skin diseases , the juice of coriander leaves should be applied with honey. Half a teaspoon each of coriander powder, black pepper, cumin and red chilli seeds each. Crush a handful of pre-soaked seeds overnight, and apply it as a face pack the next day. Wait for half an hour and gently wash off with cold water.

According to Ayurveda, massaging tamarind seed powder on your gingiva or gums and teeth may improve oral health. Abnormal consumption of soft drinks, tea and tobacco results in tartar and plaque formation on teeth. Medicinal research by the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee revealed that a protein in tamarind seeds has antiviral properties. Therefore, we can use it as an antiviral medication for chikungunya.

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